When we accepted Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour with all our heart, in truth and in action; we experienced a rebirth of our spirit. We, together with Christ, have overcome death which is the wages of sin and given a renewed life born of Spirit from God and promised of eternal life with Him. This metamorphosis drama of redemption is indeed an illustration of God's abundant grace and love to all humanity. Finally, we are now restored in our relationship with God that once had been broken by our sin. The faith of every believer, his cries, and his longings; moves God spirit and that what gives us the opportunity to live a renewed lives. Jesus, in one important event of his ministry on earth, awakened Lazarus who was buried for days then. You can follow this story in John 11:1-44. When Jesus called Lazarus to wake up, there was no participation from crowd occurred. However when Lazarus came out from his tomb, Jesus commanded them to "unwrap him and let him go." It was...