Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Many Christians have neglected the power of the first ten words in the Bible which says "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." We simply use or associate these words as the primary reference to the theoretical and theological explanation of creation (creationism) to compete with the theory of evolution. We have a strong belief that these statements are just for mere reference to support our faith in creationism. These words indeed bear the very nature of our God that He exists prior to his creation and that clearly signified in these words of the Bible. It characterised the omnipresent and transcendent nature of our God and the clear authorship of the created object which bears the concept called trilogy of trilogy. The trilogy of trilogy refers to the object measured in time, space, and matters which interrelated but cannot stand on its own. Time refers to past, present, future. Space...