Before, my idea of being obedient to this principle is simply following any orders given by my superior. And when it came a time for me to impart this to others, I feel the burden while sharing it to them. I have learnt that there is hidden joint responsibility to it which is to be a role model to my subordinates. The moment I told them about the value of full obedience without any hesitations, then the burden of bearing the influential authority and its responsibility felt heavier. Thereafter, everything I am about to say, to act, and to think must be carefully presented to avoid them copying anything that is wrong both to them and to the organization.
In the same way to our Christian Community, every believer has responsibility to carefully examine their ways in dealing with people of different beliefs, moreover, to weaker people of the same belief. Apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 8:9, “Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak.”
Weaker people are mostly new members of our church who are starting to know our God and Jesus but also extended to those who have already been with us for longer time and remains child in their spiritual lives. They believe in God but also they look at us as an authority over their faith. Bearing this right is dangerous as it may lead them to stumble if we committed things which are against God’s authority and influence. Though we have the responsibility to behave well imitating Jesus as the best role model for Christian living, we also need them to understand who they should look up to and that is our dear Lord Jesus only.
We must lead them towards Jesus and focus their eyes only to Him, following His instructions, commandments, and teachings; so that even if we fail to the human standard, we will avoid contributing to their own stumble if there will be any.
God bless everyone!
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